Berlin, Germany
May 3-5th 2017
World Congress
Integrative Medicine & Health 2017
10th ECIM & 12th ICCMR Congress Berlin, Germany, May 3-5th 2017
European Society of Integrative Medicine International Society for Complementary Medicine Research (ISCMR)

Post-congress workshops DÄGFA (Dt. Ärztegesellschaft f. Akupunktur e.V.)


Workshop: "Treatment of anxiety disorders"
This workshop focuses on different holistic treatment approaches of pain, anxiety and muscle disorders which are closely interconnected. Their treatment requires approaches which integrate somatic, emotional and mental factors and promote the capacity of coping strategies and self-healing. In daily practice it is crucial to bring the theoretical concepts of an individualized, patient-centered approach down to earth. Speakers will demonstrate that understanding, respect, empathy and patience are the basic principles of a successful treatment. Analysis of population data complent such clinical experience by allowing for a characterization of behavioral, cognitive and emotional changes that parallel clinical improvements. In addition, identification of predictors for beneficial treatment outcomes helps to tailor and improve pain treatment in daily clinical practice. The workshop will include case reports and demonstration on patients.

Nicolas Behrens, MD, Munich, Germany
Thomas Ots, Dr. Dr., Graz, Austria

Sa, 06.05.2017, Maritim proARTE Hotel Berlin
09.00 – 13.00 Uhr

EUR 75,-/ DÄGfA Members EUR 50,- / Students EUR 25,-

Workshop: Integrative treatment of myofascial pain
Pain and limited function of the locomotor system are one of the most common reasons for consulting a doctor or therapist. The muscle plays a key role in these conditions due to its anatomical and functional properties. This fact is frequently underestimated in clinical practice, although muscular dysbalance, muscle tension and painful disorders of muscle function strongly contribute to both acute and chronic locomotor system symptoms according to current knowledge. The clinical correlate of such myofascial pain symptoms is the myofascial trigger point (mTrP). The choice of the approach used in the treatment of mTrP depends on various factors. These are in particular the therapist´s experience and knowledge about the respective treatment approach, but also external circumstances such as place of treatment, staffing, average treatment time, etc. We strongly recommend treatment procedures which minimize the risk of side effects. Additionally, patient´s acceptance of the suggested treatment is crucial, but depends on his or her previous experiences, convictions about his illness and treatment expectations. Thus, an open trustful communication is necessary to align the patient´s and therapist´s understanding of what causes the complaint and how it should be treated. In the perfect case, a high level of therapeutic competence comes together with a motivated patient with reasonable expectations and an adequate time frame. The most known procedures are infiltration, acupuncture especially dry needling and manual mTrP therapy. But a number of other methods and procedures are now being used in the treatment of mTrP.

This workshop will include the presentation of systematic, but simple trigger point diagnostic, practical demonstration of different techniques and the demonstration of integrative treatment of chronic myofascial pain syndrome.

Nicolas Behrens, MD, Munich, Germany
Dominik Irnich, PD Dr., Munich, Germany

Sa, 06.05.2017, Maritim proARTE Hotel Berlin
14.00 – 18.00 Uhr

EUR 75,-/ DÄGfA Members EUR 50,- / Students EUR 25,-

For further questions please contact:
Astrid Bauß
Leitung und Gesamtorganisation Kurse und Kongresse
DÄGfA-Deutsche Ärztegesellschaft für Akupunktur e.V.

Würmtalstr. 54
81375 München
Tel. 089 / 71005-13
Fax 089 / 71005-25
E-Mail bauss[at]

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